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Combined Arms Doom Mod

Combined Arms Doom Mod

I've been playing more mods for Doom after seeing some cool stuff on Doomworld.Since then, I've been looking for more cool gameplay mods and maps that complement them, if not total conversions.Some gameplay mods I have:. Demonsteele - Doom meets Devil May Cry. Delta Doom - Gameplay with multiple characters made to match the original pitch. Beautiful Doom - The original project to make Doom look better.So, what do you fellow Doomers recommend?And before you answer, yes, I know about Brutal Doom. No, I'd rather not give SgtMarkIV any attention due to his shitty online behavior. REKKR came out last year and is a Viking themed reskin.

  1. Free Doom Mod Downloads

Flakes Doom is a Doom mod developed by GAA1992 that combines and adapts elements from several official editions of the epic id Software's FPS, new and old ones, but maintaining the traditional gameplay as most as possible. It is inspired in WADs such as MetaDoom or Doom 32 and brings a totally new and enhanced arsenal, interesting aesthetic effects such as cases and smoke, new power-ups and a.

Plays very like classic doom. A lot of fun though and the viking aesthetic is pretty great.Struggle:Antaresian Legecy. Came out last year. Some new weapons and a handful of new enemies. People liked it more then me but it's still quite good.Valiant is made by the legendary Skillsaw and is one of the pinnacles of Doom mapping.

Ancient Aliens is better but doesn't quite fit the criteria you laid out.Skulldash is made by Dragonfly who is also one of the best in the biz. It's like a timetrials and speedrunning combination where your running around the map collecting coins to get health, armor, and extended your time. Lots of maps, different weapons, bosses, etc.

It's a 10/10.Total Chaos is a horror themed Silent Hill styled game that was 10 years in development that came out last year.There's so many but these are what come to my mind immediately. I'd also highly reccommend you get away from just gameplay mods. Stuff like Sunder, Sunlust, Evitirnity, Deus Vult, Back to Saturn X, etc. All great stuff. And the Cacowards are always there to get a look at some of the past years best and brightest. Best mod combo I've played so far was, mixed with Beautiful Doom, and the PSX Music and Sounds mods. HontE Remastered is basically Doom II, but with a ton of details added to the levels and shows off some extremely impressive mapping skills.

It requires GZDoom, and it shows. It makes Doom II much darker, but with lots of really great lighting and effects. That, with the PSX music makes for an awesome atmosphere. I loved it and was amazed with the quality put into it. I could never go back to vanilla Doom II again. Of course I'm forgetting so many good ones I feel bad.is a Doom/Halflife/Medal of Honor style campaign about BJ killing Nazis. Chapters 1 & 2 are out.

Chapter 3 should hopefully be this year!Don't look up anything about this. It's unlike anything I've ever played. It's sort of nauseating but it is an experience.

Not a gameplay mod really but it's also not really like anything at all.Russian Overkill is a classic.It's been a while for me but there's still some fun to be had there most likely.Fistful of Doom is another classic. Worth it just for the history and novelty.Freaky Panties came out last year?

Free Doom Mod Downloads

Or the year before. It's a one level Doom wad that the more you die the more it changes to adjust to your difficulty. Sort of a weird novelty.CastleVania: Simon's Destiny is exactly what it sounds like. Castlevania in doom. You have the whip and you're fighting classic Vania monsters.

It's pretty janky and weird imo but it's still a fun novelty.Winter's Fury is a ice and snow themed group of maps and weapons. I honestly don't remember a whole lot but it's in my doom folder and booting it up again I'm realizing it's good and I've just forgotten lol. This week I just played.

As the name indicates, it’s a 4-map slaughterfest wad.They,. But it’s also a bitch to move properly, you need a recent highend cpu (ie 8700k!) to do it without problem at all situations, because even modern sourceports like GZDoom aren’t multithreaded. The worst part is some areas of the first map. At least the second and third maps, which are the longest, had better performance than the first one. The fourth is a much shorter map, with an interesting gimmick.Speaking of, GZDoom has now a Vulkan renderer in experimental phase, in my case it just crashes:(.In any case, this mod is an intense experience, and it has some interesting parts, but it’s a slaugther map which I find a bit boring at times.

You know, 90% of combat is holding the fire button with the RL, plasma or BFG. It also plays mostly with an arena design, where you reach an area, monsters spawn and area is closed, you kill them and area is opened again.

No keys or interesting exploration, either.On some occasions I had killed 350 monsters already and started being a bit tired of the map, when I noticed the monster count, being 350/750. Difficulty is also pretty high (for me), although at least it supports all difficulty settings, I played it on the HNTR.After playing that, I got in the mood of more Doom, and I found. It’s a 32-map megawad which uses a very good, cohesive texture pack, and it’s being great. Maps are small but well designed, interconnected and twisted in interesting ways.

It doesn’t rushes out in putting out the biggest weapons and enemies, instead it follows a more natural, paced progression, and the difficulty is gaspnormal and balanced, unlike so many wads that are too hardcore. Still, I wanted to play it a bit more differently. I usually play this levels normally, but this time I wanted something that would spice up the gameplay itself a bit, without reaching the extremes of, and would maintain normal themes and balance (so no either).In the end it was recommended to me, which is a very well done collection of weapons. Five collections of weapons, to be more exact. They maintain some basic standards (pistol / shotgun / mg / RL) but each set has it’s own interesting spin, like one where you have a bow that paralyzes enemies, or the super shotgun has a very reduced range and the normal shotgun fire energy projectiles that can bounce projectiles. The design, sounds, animations, it’s all pretty pro.I also got a list of misc. Mods to improve the experience.

They are:(better blood, without being an exaggerated gore mod)(smoother animations)(well, I have FDoom turned off right now, it has some incompatibility with Final Doomer)Final Doomer gives newer collection of weapons, ok. But, what about the monsters? In some wads I played over the years, I’ve seen maps with Heretic enemies (oh hell, even Duke3d enemies), or with recolored enemies like ‘shadow imps’, or with some slight variations, so I was thinking, it would be cool if there was a way to put new enemies in any map, automatically. And if possible, in a way that preserve the original aesthetics and design balance.I started searching for mods that do that. There are thousands of Doom mods, so I was sure this was a solved problem! This was what I found.

This is a nice mod with tons of variations, but it’s only a cosmetic mod, it doesn’t change anything of the gameplay.is a mod that adds color-coded version of enemies, each color more and more powerful than the last. Ugly, imo.The famous has its own monster pack that can be used individually, although I found that the new monsters are rare and only appear more on higher difficulties.adds random legendary monsters, tougher than usual and that drops a legendary weapon.adds colored elite versions with new abilities.is a bit like the previous two, but with real new monsters instead of colored skins. Each monster type has 3-4 tougher variations, and they drop new usable items/powerups. Weapons are also redone.There are also bigger mods like, which puts lots of new enemies of tons of games, but it also has more stuff like spells and new weapons and they can’t be turned off, and in general it seems it screws over the balance a lot.Finally, I discovered, which is much closer to what I wanted in the first place. It’s a collection of new enemies, mostly lifted of other mods or taken from the, but it mostly keeps the theme (no cartoon characters or strange shit), and the original balance (although not totally).

It also has new items and a series of ‘classes’ (7 new weapon sets), like Final Doomer, although they don’t seem as good as some of the ones in FD. In any case one of the classes is the original Doom, so you can play with that if you don’t want new weapons. I played through Eviternity a couple months ago and loved it. The enemy placement and geometry very consistently lead to excellent encounters and the difficulty was such that for most of the maps I could play UV without quick saves. I had to use a couple check points on some of them though. The two hidden levels are also great with Map 32 being one of the most amazing levels I've ever played.

It was just so interconnected that it began to feel like Dark Souls by the time I was done and saw how many routes had opened up. It's spectacular.A new WAD I've played recently is which has really impressive visuals and a satisfying ramp up.

It starts very slowly with you using the most basic weapons against custom weak imps and Revenants but by the end becomes basically a slaughter map. The difficulty isn't crazy throughout and there are ample supplies so even though the map is long I recommend attempting it with no saves at least once. The creator says it's his second map which is particularly cool given the quality.

Very worth a look. I finished Doom’s mod/megaWad. In a shocking turn of events (not really), it was an excellent megaWad to play. Thanks to being divided in, it has tons of level variety.

Each one has a theme, from the stone & moss medieval feel, to a refined techbase, to water themed levels, winter levels and of course, Hell levels and Heaven levels.Most of the levels are actually kind of compact? (in comparison with how crazy Doom wads can be now), with pieces than open up slowly and known locations connect in unexpected ways. There are some exceptions, there are a few levels that are more sprawling and crazy, and they serve as a nice change of pace. The difficulty level is well balanced, HMP feels as it should, UV is for veterans, etc, it doesn’t go crazy with the difficulty like other doom mappers. Something I liked of the mod is a well balanced use of the enemies, without abuse of the tougher monsters (in fact in some of the coolest levels the low-mid level monsters are the star of the show).

There are times where they will throw you 20 barons and 20 reveneants but they feel appropriately as ‘peaks between valleys’, in the overall enemy distribution. Now I'm playing another Cacowarded WAD,.It's very good, a 5-6 map wad with a cool concept: What would happen if you mix the Doom gameplay with a jungle/mesoamerican setting? Think ziggurats, cultists, lost cities, aztecs ruins, overgrown jungle, dark lakes, unexplored islands full of savages, etc. It isn't only a good concept, it's also executed very competently, with a mix of both tight combat and open areas, some neat sequences, traps, etc.It isn't a hard wad, it has more than enough health and ammo to kill everything.


It's a combat heavy wad, although not so much as to consider it slaughter-fest. Www.youtube.comMy genius idea was also to remember I had pending to try. Because Avactor is a pure mission WAD without any gameplay change, it was a good candidate to combine with a gameplay mod like this, and the setting goes well with HND as the main character could be considered to be a pulpy adventurer. I guess most people here already know High Noon Drifter, but still, let me write something about it.High Noon Drifter is a great little gameplay mod that brings a new arsenal and capabilities, with the player being a ghost cowboy from the Wild/Weird West, or maybe and adventurer from a 20's-40's pulp story, Indiana Jones style.It doesn't have a lot of complicated systems, mostly it's a weapon mod but very well done in the execution. It's also very customizable, you can activate or deactivate some of the more radical changes, like sliding, or being able to pick items without using them, or weapons autoreload or not.

Oh yea, all weapons has to be reloaded, which is a decent drawback in exchange of their average power, higher than vanilla Doom. It has:-Boomerang.

Low damage, but it's an utility weapon, it can bring back items that aren't at range of you hands.-Bow. Fairly high damage at single targets, the reload key activate a 'zoom' mode.-Revolver. Great starting weapon, it will fire as quickly as you click the button, with the fan action.-Shotgun. More accurate than usual at range.-Super Shotgun.

Slower reload but more powerful, as always. But, with this model you can load 2 more shotgun cartridges (with an ever slower reload animation) to fire 4 of them, and do double the damage.-Machinegun, seems based on MP40. It can be dual wielded, because why not.-Hand grenade (instead of RL), it will bounce of course.

You can throw two of them with the reload key.-Fire staff, with an alternate fire mode.-A magical skull that throws big fire balls, in replacement of the BFG. You can also use it to turn into a giant demon!?-Use bullet time/quickdraw with your revolver, al alternative effect to the BFG.In addition, you can:-Use a whip with the alternate weapon fire button of any weapon slot, using it as 'quick fire' action. It has a high pain effect and even better, it will destroy any enemy projectile at range. Imagine being able to shot down mancobus or revenant fireballs in the middle of a firefight!-Slide on the ground to very high speeds with reduced hitbox.-Use items in the inventory. And new items, like torches, summon ghost weapons or caltrops.

Caltrops feels so nice to use, you hear a crunchy sound and see enemies die one after another.-Throw your hat, with hat physics.

Combined Arms Doom Mod